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What is GeoWarehouse?

GeoWarehouse is a centralized property information source owned by Teranet that provides mapping and research tools. Teranet manages the Ontario Electronic Land Registration System and offers a suite of related data products.

As a member of a local Real Estate Board, a REALTOR® typically has access to GeoWarehouse and can use the information contained in the database to facilitate real estate transactions. Realtors can access GeoWarehouse to create a comprehensive property report. This includes an overview of the property, property details from the Ontario Land Registry and the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), as well as demographics data. A comparable sales report sourced from Land Registry data is also available. If needed, Realtors can also access POLARIS parcel registers, instrument images, surveys, plans, MPAC assessment reports and more for an additional cost.

Information available though GeoWarehouse is very helpful for Realtors to review with clients in advance of preparing an offer. Title issues may be discovered early and addressed prior to signing agreements minimizing future legal issues. Realtors have extensive tools available to them when providing advice to clients. GeoWarehouse is one of the many resources that an experienced full service Realtor will use when searching for properties.